Toxic Ex-Husband Dognaps Ex-Wife's Dog from the Groomers to Try and Get Her New Address, Dog Shelter Shuts Him Down


Unfortunately, many people in this world end up marrying a man who turn out to be completely toxic. This is a very serious situation that at times can be life threatening. As an ex-wife coming out of a toxic marriage, your entire life has to change. That doesn't just mean for you, but also with the business you attend. That means making sure all of them know not to give your information out to anybody. 


TikToker “Rogue Canine Training" posts dog training videos to his TikTok, but it's his reenactments of dramatic experiences from working at a dog shelter that go the most viral. Recently, he posted one of when a man came in with a pristine looking pup and said he founded it as a stray. The TikToker was already alarmed by the man's curt behavior and how intense he was demanding the TikToker scan the chip for the owner's information. 


“Stray” Dog Story pt. 1


There were actually many red flags from the start. The man was very curt and pushy about getting this “stray” dog scanned. He was vague and at times refused to tell the shelter how, where, or when he found the dog. The TikToker noticed that the dog look extremely healthy and clean—like the dog had just been to the groomers. The man was trying to rush him and when the TikToker told the man he can just leave the dog with them and go, he refused. 


“Stray” Dog Story pt. 2


When the TikToker finally scanned the dog the man demanded for him to give him the information. The TikToker told him that it is not allowed to relay any owner's information to anybody so he needed to leave the dog there and they would get in touch with the owner. At this the man through a fit, so the TikToker definitely knew something shady was going on. 


The TikToker was able to contact the dog's owner and it was a woman desperately in search for her dog. Apparently, she had dropped her dog off at the groomers and they usually know that she has told them that they are not to give the dog to anyone else but her. However, it was a new groomer today and the new person didn't check the notes on her file. So when the man came in claiming to be her husband, they gave it to him. 


When the sheltered called the woman she was already at the groomers panicking after finding out that they gave her baby to her toxic ex-husband. She said she would come to get her dog ASAP. And with that, the TikToker asked the man to leave or the authorities were to get involved and the toxic ex ran. Shelters are a safe haven not only for dogs, but lost or dognapped dogs' owners. 



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