
“Squelching Wetly:” Fans of ‘Stranger Things’ Are in Love With the Ridiculously Uncomfortable Closed Captioning of Season 4


Stranger Things Season 4 really had some amazing twists and turns and fans are very happy with it. Season 5 cannot come sooner! (Which is a torturous feeling since we all know it's gonna be hella long before the next season…) Viewers of the show can't stop talking about the underlying context and the character theories and what's to come! So much excitement and drama and creativity. 


One thing that isn't a normal thing that fans tend to mention about a show, however, is starting to become the talk of the town with Stranger Things fans—and that's the closed captioning. Whoever wrote the subtitles for this season deserves a raise because it was pure GOLD. This person must have been sitting there with a thesaurus and a dirty 'ole mind, making sure to choose the most universally disliked version of the words.



Has anyone every used or even just heard the word “squelching” before? Did this person just make it up? It's definitely an onomatopoeia, but it the most unsettling way ever. It's not just the word squelching, however, it's just how descriptive each of these subtitles have been. Each word so perfectly captures the gore and eerie feel of the scenes that it's hilarious. 


“✨Squelch✨ is the new moist.”


“Honorable mention to ✨Demogorgon feeding wetly✨”


People are not just excited at how uncomfortable some of these descriptions are but also just how epic. For example, whoever this closed captioning guy was, they perfectly described the different moods of the synth music playing in the background—and lemme tell ya, there is a lot of synth in this show. But is it happy inspiring synth or sad foreboding synth? The subtitled will definitely let you know! 


Really, it feels like the closed captioning guy was just trying their darnedest to avoid using the word “moist” so tried every word around it. But you can't take the moisture out of moist, the cringe out of the action. No matter how you describe something that is moist, whether it's "squelch" or “wetly,” it's still going to feel uncomfortable. 


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