Construction Workers Can Only Laugh While 'Karen' has the Most Insane Meltdown Through the Security Camera


We've all seen Karens in the wild, either through someone posting about their situation with one or you were unfortunate enough to come in counter with one yourself. It's always the most batsh*t scene. There is no dealing with a Karen, you basically just have to take it until they run out of steam or someone comes to physically remove the Karen from the scene. 


Nobody officially knows the science behind a ‘Karen,' but what it usually is, is an extremely entitled, usually older, white lady, who will literally through a tantrum if she doesn't get her way, even if her way is wrong. And it doesn't matter the magnitude of the situation, she is at level 200 at all times. Oops, you accidentally brushed on her car door with your arm as you walked by her car in the parking lot, YOU ARE GOING DOWN. YOUR INTELLIGENCE IS BEING INSULTED. YOUR BOSS IS SOMEONE INVOLVED. CORPORATE IS GOING TO HEAR ABOUT THIS! THE COPS ARE NOW ON THE PHONE. It's always insane. 


But this most recent post on TikTok about a Karen situation really takes the cake. These construction workers are just trying to do their job, and they have all the paperwork that gives them the right to do so, and they get ‘Karaned.' The thing is, they don't even ever actually see the Karen. She is losing her sh*t at them all through her house's front door security camera system. 


“We got Karened”


When I tell you this Karen situation is absurd, it is truly out of this world. She is going so crazy through the speaker that at one point it sounds like she's speaking some alien language. The construction workers are being extremely professional and polite and she is just screaming every swear word known to sailors at them. It's so insanely bonkers, that all the construction workers can do is stand there and laugh. What else can they do? The woman isn't even there in person. She's freaking out at them more than a vulture on a carcass. So all the construction workers can do is laugh. Which, if you know any Karens, just makes them escalate and escalate in intensity. I'm not even sure how this woman could get any more intense than she was already being, but seeing these workers talking ever so calmly to her and then just laughing at her absolutely insane response, somehow got her to out-of-this-world level Karen status. She doesn't even stop with her crazy rant as the construction workers walk away laughing. 


To be honest, I think these guys figured it out. The kryptonite to a Karen. Instead of engaging, just laugh at her. She'll keep throwing her tantrum, but just keep laughing. I mean, what else can you really even do?


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