
baby boomers

'I'll just report you like you did me': Greedy neighbor with five cars hogs all the parking spots, new residents get petty payback

'I'll just report you like you did me': Greedy neighbor with five cars hogs all the parking spots, new residents get petty payback

Doesn't it always feel like long-term residents are wired to hold an immediate grudge against their new neighbors? That's not to say this is about generational conflict necessarily, but we can all admit that long-term residents have a particular way of doing things and they despise it when their routine is upended by newcomers. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/Flat_Raspberry_6255 , who understandably could not get over the fact that their greedy older neighbor to…
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twitter, jobs, boomer, job, Twitter Thread, millennials, job applications, twitter reactions, millenials, tweets, baby boomers, gen z, boomers, twitter discourse, job application

"Did boomers come home from college and face that?": Gen Zers and millennials discuss the perils of the job market

Boomers don't get it
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the beatles, beatles, john lennon, george harrison, ringo starr, paul mccartney, music, music memes, beatles meme, rock, 60s, baby boomers, boomers, pop culture, funny, funny memes

42 Beatles Memes to Induce Beatlemania, Peace and Love

Happiness is a warm meme
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generations, generation z, gen z, millennials, gen x, zoomer, 90s, 90s kids, 80s, baby boomers, reddit, reddit thread, askreddit, reddit story, subreddit, nostalgia

Older Generations Share the Things Gen-Z Will Never Understand

Pre-zoomer nostalgia
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'I had a young coworker not know how to write a check': 30+ Workers who realized they were "officially old" thanks to their young coworkers

'I had a young coworker not know how to write a check': 30+ Workers who realized they were "officially old" thanks to their young coworkers

Did you know that the kids these days are referring to the 90s as the “late 1900s"? If that sentence made you want to check your scalp for gray hairs, you're not alone. Aging happens to every living being, and there's nothing we can do about it. We're just along for the ride as trends change and lingo transforms. It's like that saying about how the past is a foreign country. We had less tech back then, and everything was different. In school, our teachers assured us that we'd need to know how t…
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twitter thread, twitter, problems, issues, boomers, baby boomers, kids these days, complaint, gen z, millennials, annoying

30+ Karen Sympathizers Reveal Their Most Boomer-Friendly Complaints

Old people have a point sometimes
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baby boomers, boomers, ok boomer, boomer memes, boomer, gen z, millennials, millennial memes, texting, texts, facebook, facebook fail, funny texts, wholesome, wholesome memes

Wholesome Boomer Moments That Transcend Generational Angst

It's okay, Boomer.
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'Here comes the "Find Out" phase': Dark-humored millennials roast boomers while they're down in an 'I-told-ya-so-themed' comment section of a viral video

To be salty is to be free.
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meme, millennial, gen z, boomer, twitter, twitter thread, history, world events, baby boomers

Meme About What Millennials Have Lived Through Sparks Debate on How Hard Younger Generations Have It

There were worse times in history
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Music debate movies askreddit pop culture 80s hollywood gen x 90s generations baby boomers gen z reddit thread Reddit - 22656005

'People legit thought computers would end us': Older generations weigh in on what today's youngsters just don't get

"We literally made ash trays as an art project"
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gen z, zoomer, nostalgia, boomers, baby boomers, millennials, cringe, tiktok, twitter, pixar, disney, movies, gen alpha

"Beefing with babies": Millennials Roast Gen Z Nostalgia Bait as Evidence That Zoomers Are Becoming Irrelevant

Gen Alpha are coming
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nostalgic old-souls gen-x gen-z millennials boomers baby-boomers computer technology society values old-fashioned reddit thread

Old Souls Get Nostalgic About Old-Fashioned Thingamajigs That Used to Be 'All That and a Bag of Chips'

McAfee Antivirus
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27 Memes and Tweets for People Eager for a Power Nap

27 Memes and Tweets for People Eager for a Power Nap

So tired
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yoko ono, alice cooper, the Beatles, boomer, nostalgic memes, gen x memes, zz top, steven tyler, nostalgia, 70s, nostalgic, gen x, boomer memes, baby boomers, boomers, 1970s

70s Memes For Real 70s Kids Who Lived Through The 1970s

Millennials, move aside
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27 Sassy Seasoned Tweets Gen Z Can't Relate to

27 Sassily Seasoned Tweets Gen Z Can't Relate to

Are we old or what
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hilarious boomer kids bald vandals nextdoor-gone-wild hooligans local lol kids these days nextdoor baby boomers boomers Reddit funny vandalism New Jersey - 21328389

'I am not even bald, I have head stubble': Local Kids Mock a Boomer's Baldness, Man Gets Roasted After Complaining About 'Vandalism' on NextDoor

The comments are pure gold
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