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'Do you wear the same clothes several days in a row?': Man proudly does laundry twice a month, gets roasted by parents doing 7 loads a week and clean freaks that bad?
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long term relationship, clean, marriage, shower, married life, marriage drama, relationships, marriage advice, showers, dirty, showertimes, married, relationship drama, showering, filthy

'He would shut off the hot water while I was in the shower': Husband bans wife, 12 and 14-year old sons from showering more than twice a week, claims it's for the environment

He's out of control
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washing hands intimacy boyfriend clean debate romance Invalid Argument relationship-drama girlfriend couples - 25100549

Girlfriend Requests Washing Hands Before Intimacy, Boyfriend Refuses: 'He said he’s an adult and he can do whatever he wants to'

even the men ran to the comments to validate that the BF is gross
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rent, apartment, cleaning, clean, clean up, parents, entitles parents, parenting fails, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, family drama, drama, argument, arguments, family

‘You pay rent, so it is your space’: Careless parents let baby nephew make a mess in adult daughter’s room while she’s away

The only thing messy about me is my bun
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cleaning, clean, marriage, clean up, wife, relationship drama, married life, relationships, housekeeper, husband, housekeeping, financial, married, money, cleaner, family drama

Spoiled wife freaks out after husband refuses to pay for weekly housekeeper: 'She has always had a housekeeper from a young age'

That is wholly unnecessary
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cleaning, clean, dryer, clothes, meme, detergent, laundry, Memes, laudromat, relatable, chores, washer, soap, funny memes, funny meme, relatable memes

20+ Laundry Memes to Wash and Dry

Throw in a dryer sheet
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People Reveal the Red Flags They’ve Discovered in Their Date’s Home Decor

People Reveal the Red Flags They’ve Discovered in Their Date’s Home Decor

Stepping into your date's home for the first time is like entering a realm of uncertainty with a hint of anxiety
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cleaning new year new-year resolution 2024 clean tidy cleaning-house home house soap scrub neat neat-freak to-do memes meme relatable new-years-resolution

31 Neat N' Tidy Memes to Help Procrastinate Cleaning Your Room

Gotta clean my room to get my life back together– it's a science
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toothbrush, brushing, clean, dirty, hygiene, bad hygiene, debate, controversy, twitter, twitter thread, bathroom, gross, disgusting

Fastidious Brusher Shames People Who Keep Their Toothbrush in the Bathroom, Start Debate on Cleanliness

It's too much
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christmas, cleaning, twitter, clean, Twitter Thread, christmas tree, ultraclean, twitter reactions, bath, tweets, funny tweets, tree, tweet, twitter discourse, cleaner

Clean Freak Washes Her Plastic Christmas Tree in the Bathtub, Sparks Debate About Performative Hygiene

How clean is too clean?
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'Being college students has nothing to do with cleaning up after yourself: Stern housemate teaches unkempt and entitled roommates a lesson; justice prevails in a series of satisfying screenshots

Nobody likes a dirty roommate. If you somehow end up in a situation where you're stuck cleaning up after your roommate's messes, it's hard not to feel like the maid of the house… or worse, the “mommy”. But if you've ever been in a communal living situation...
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ask reddit, furniture, cleaning, aita, clean, couches, therapy, couch, askreddit, reddit story, mental health, family, clothes, ocd, subreddit, reddit thread, Reddit, cleaner

Clean Freak Demands Houseguests Change into New Clothes Before Sitting on his Furniture

Who does that?
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Top 26 Witty Shower Thoughts of the Week

Top 26 Witty Shower Thoughts of the Week

Flashes of genius
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Deli coworkers slice cheese all night just to prove their boss wrong

'My boss demanded I serve all customers': Deli coworkers slice cheese all night just to prove their boss wrong

Customers do not care about what time the store closes , they just want their food. As the employee, you just have to enforce the rules your bosses tell you. If the store closes at 9PM, you have to shut the doors right then, but some customers will still try to squeeze in the door and do a last minute shopping spree. It always surprised me when I worked retail that customers would act like that. I understand the frustration of really needing a product, and then that store locks the door in your…
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'"Have fun!" I said, as I clocked out': Hotel housekeeper 'sorts' linens exactly how boss directs them to

'"Have fun!" I said, as I clocked out': Hotel housekeeper 'sorts' linens exactly how boss directs them to

Don't tell this housekeeper how to do their job . Their boss tried, and it didn't end well. When you do something for long enough, you start to develop shortcuts to make your life easier. Maybe you have a template you use to save time while writing emails if you're at an office job. Or for those in retail, maybe you're super fast at making drinks because you're used to measuring things by sight. You get into a rhythm and try to do your job as quickly and accurately as possible. Enter this emplo…
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cleaning, antiwork, clean, toxic manager, jobs, clean up, toxic workplace, job, bad jobs, work, coworkers, toxic management, toxic boss, workplce, toxic work environment

Boss Forces Employees To Deep Clean Office For 8 Hours on a Sunday, Pays in Cash to Avoid Overtime

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