

'I don't work for you...': Man struggles to tend to family crisis after wife's opportunistic friends move in with them and demand a series of unreasonable requests

'I don't work for you...': Man struggles to tend to family crisis after wife's opportunistic friends move in with them and demand a series of unreasonable requests

When you marry someone, you also marry their family. However, because you are now, in effect, friends with them as well, no one warns you about the lengthy list of unwelcome acquaintances you make along the way. The story that follows describes the frustrations of a spouse dealing with his wife's ‘friends’. The original poster (OP) finds himself in an extremely challenging predicament. His wife's friends are now just as much of a concern to him as his own, so he must entertain them in addition…
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dating, online dating, dating fails, dating advice, dating nightmares, entitled, entitled people, we are dating, sushi, money, take my money, flex, revenge, petty revenge, revenge story, reddit

Entitled man bails after date won't buy him sushi, is flexed on with $400 omakase: 'He really snatched defeat from the jaws of victory'

Something's fishy
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entitled, entitled people, entitlement, instagram, instagram memes, instagram username, username, handle, billionaire, influencer, influencers, drama, influencer drama, influencer snark, funny tweets, funny twitter

'I actually don't believe that your name is Katherine': Entitled woman marries into billionaire family, harasses name twin for Instagram handle

What's in a name?
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‘Get out of my house’: Home seller discovers buyer moved into their house before closing date, leading to legal dispute when seller demands she leaves

‘Get out of my house’: Home seller discovers buyer moved into their house before closing date, leading to legal dispute when seller demands she leaves

The general conception of a 'successful life' consists of a few things a person should achieve in their life, with the main ones unsurprisingly being – starting a family, having a successful career, and owning a home. While we can argue about all three of these concepts and their actual value to someone's life, let's take a moment to focus on the idea of owning a home. Surely we can all understand the benefits of owning your own house – you don't have anyone to answer to, you can do whatever yo…
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'I paid good money for these tickets': Karen throws tantrum at "disruptive" audience members, usher sides against her, karma ensues

'I paid good money for these tickets': Karen throws tantrum at "disruptive" audience members, usher sides against her, karma ensues

Let's be real: very few audience members know how to behave at live events anymore. Perhaps it's partially our ever-dependence on technological devices, or perhaps it's just that we have set such low standards for ourselves and our attention spans. Here, we have a comedy show that had just started. This Redditor and her husband just got to their seats, and her husband took out his phone for ten seconds to send a quick text to his brother. He made sure to do this swiftly and with low brightness,…
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Employee snubbed of promotion by salty department head calls him out in front of all the division bigwigs, gets justice: ‘[I wish] I could be a fly on the wall for THAT conversation'

Employee snubbed of promotion by salty department head calls him out in front of all the division bigwigs, gets justice: ‘[I wish] I could be a fly on the wall for THAT conversation'

Sometimes you need to seek out karma, sometimes karma is thurst upon you.
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Frustrated Doggo Owner Settles Score with Chihuahua Owner Who Invades the Big Dog Park Area, Resulting in Car Being Towed and a $300 Fine

Frustrated Doggo Owner Settles Score with Chihuahua Owner Who Invades the Big Dog Park Area, Resulting in Car Being Towed and a $300 Fine

All doggo lovers can find safety and comfort in the dog park. All that is wonderful in life seems to be captured by the park's tranquil atmosphere and the small puppies that run up and down the lawn. Having said that, what would you do if someone consistently disrupted your time at the dog park? The story below is an account of a dissatisfied doggo owner. The original poster (OP) has made numerous visits to the same dog park. At first glance, everything appeared to be in order; there was nothin…
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relationship advice family drama aita marriage pregnancy marriage drama cooking am i the asshole sil sister in law entitled family food pregnant reddit thread Reddit brother in law entitled people - 25657093

Entitled pregnant sister-in-law insists brother-in-law cook her meals: 'I told her BIL doesn't equal spouse'

He's not a stand-in husband
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'[Neighbor] put a camera facing into my backyard': Resident deals with years-long feud with nosy neighbor

'[Neighbor] put a camera facing into my backyard': Resident stuck in years-long feud with nosy neighbor

Whatever happened to minding your own business? Sure, we may stalk celebrities and acquaintances on social media, but that's entirely separate from legitimately spying on the people in your life. In this instance, we have a nosy neighbor who had been feuding with this Redditor for years. It all started when the neighbor built a fence that went two feet into the Redditor's property, and after they were forced to correct their mistake, they never forgave the Redditor. The Redditor subsequently bu…
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'I sold him a plate of onions for $3': Entitled customer leaves typed note to pizza chef demanding no cheese or tomatoes

'I sold him a plate of onions for $3': Entitled customer leaves typed note to pizza chef demanding no cheese or tomatoes

Customers with specific food demands should reconsider whether or not it's worth it to dine out. This customer clearly has a lot of anxiety around food ordering, which can be completely understandable if said customer were to have strict dietary restrictions. Still, to have the audacity to walk into a pizza spot with a typed list of instructions that includes no cheese or tomatoes is something else entirely. Yes, you read that right. No cheese or tomatoes at your average pizza spot. What did th…
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'There is no world where $250 was an appropriate offer': Choosing beggar demands to buy $2K tires on marketplace for $250, owner makes him work for it

'There is no world where $250 was an appropriate offer': Choosing beggar demands to buy $2K tires on marketplace for $250, owner makes him work for it

One has to wonder if this entitled choosing beggar felt like this odyssey was worth it in the end. This Redditor was selling tires that were originally sold at $2K for $1K on Marketplace when he started to get a barrage of messages from our story's choosing beggar demanding to have the tires for $250. At first, the original poster (OP) rejected the offer and blocked the guy because it seemed like he wouldn't quit. Well, he didn't. Instead, he messaged OP from a second and third account and refu…
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'We are not going to be sending her there': Problematic parents refuse to send younger daughter to same private school as her sister because she isn't into STEM

'We are not going to be sending her there': Problematic parents refuse to send younger daughter to same private school as her sister because she isn't into STEM

Rarely has favoritism been so blatantly obvious. This father can try to rationalize his logic as much as he wants, but the truth of the matter is that he does not value his artistic daughter's talents and sensibilities as much as he values his more STEM-leaning daughter's gifts. In the case of the latter, he and his wife made sure to invest in their eldest's academic prospects by sending her to a private school. Meanwhile, their younger daughter had been secretly hoping that she could attend th…
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entitled roommate revenge roommates petty revenge malicious compliance entitled people psycho roommate entitled roommate - 25596933

Entitled roommate uses student's dishes without permission, refuses to clean them because they're "not her's": 'Those are your dishes'

Living with roommates isn't easy. We, especially as grown adults, simply were never meant to be sharing living spaces and close quarters with other grown human beings. This is especially true when you're young and move out of your parent's house for the first time. It turns out many of us at that point have yet to learn the essential basic skills that make a functioning human and half-decent roommate. It's generally appealing how many people don't understand the basics of being respectful of ot…
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'We didn't see Zen Dude back at the park again': Entitled yogi makes enemies at local dog park, other dog owners deflates his tires

'We didn't see Zen Dude back at the park again': Entitled yogi makes enemies at local dog park, other dog owners deflate his tires

For better or for worse, parks attract a wide range of outsized personalities. There are the folks who want to keep to themselves, the ones who are actively trying to draw attention, and the ones who whether they know it or not are making everyone else's experience at the park miserable. Most of the time, we do not have the courage to confront these individuals, but every so often, the opportunity for some much-needed petty revenge arises. With this particular scenario, which was shared by u/No…
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'You got some nerve...': Employee confronts gym goer who refuses to adhere to gym policy, then finds out he isn't even a member

'You got some nerve...': Employee confronts gym goer who refuses to adhere to gym policy, then finds out he isn't even a member

Customer support agents are frequently treated like private-sector workers, as though they must get the blessing of the client before proceeding with their day. This makes the job extremely unpleasant. However, what would you do if an aggressive customer visited your establishment with the express intent of disobeying the safety rules that were set in place to protect the public? Would you rather they learned their lesson the hard way or would you try to stop them from doing something that coul…
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'You get out when it's your turn': Passenger gets back at entitled line cutters on flight, makes deplaning last longer

'You get out when it's your turn': Passenger gets back at entitled line cutters on flight, makes deplaning last longer

Common courtesy is not exactly something that strangers on airplanes seem to exhibit anymore. These days, people are taking their shoes off and parading around in their bare feet. They're hogging the shared arm rests. They're extending their legs beyond their own personal space. Whatever happened to even the slightest sliver of respect people used to show for one another on flights? This passenger had it with one particular phenomenon, and it was at the end of the travel experience. Yes, we're…
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