

karens aita entitled parents kids karen-customer friends parenting karens in the wild entitled mom karen parents children entitled people - 25414149

Kid wants a doughnut that isn't his, entitled parents won't tell him no: 'I refused a doughnut to a kid and then called his mom out'

You know… kids are dumb; it's really an undeniable and certifiable fact. In fact, it's not even a programming error rather it's actually one of the features of being a kid; you don't have to know everything or be responsible and can romp around; it's up to your parents, other guardians, or mining foreman to manage that for you and teach it to you in constructive ways. “You can't always get what you want” is one of those first lessons that you're taught in life, and has been an essential part of…
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Grown nephew gets caught red-handed trying to scam his uncle out of $800 because: ‘He stopped giving me birthday presents after I turned 18, so I figured he owed me,’ doesn't see a dime

Grown nephew gets caught red-handed trying to scam his uncle out of $800 because: ‘He stopped giving me birthday presents after I turned 18, so I figured he owed me,’ doesn't see a dime

Family is family, but sometimes family doesn't act so family…
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entitled karma elevator lift justice buttons inconsiderate petty revenge apartment tenant reddit

'Let them down slowly': Apartment dweller hijacks the elevator to get payback against an entitled group of dawdlers

There are very few chances to bring karma around and let these entitled people know they're acting inconsiderately, but sometimes life presents you with a golden opportunity for some petty revenge.
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'I went back and got every leaf off of her property': "Lawn Karen" complains about her yards' appearance

'I went back and got every leaf off of her property': "Lawn Karen" complains about her yards' appearance

“Wealthy homeowners tend to be the most difficult customers,” one landscaper revealed.
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'Knock ‘em down a peg!’: Estimator for a niche construction manufacturing company puts his micromanaging managers in place with one ‘car-less’ mistake

'Knock ‘em down a peg!’: Estimator for a niche construction manufacturing company puts his micromanaging managers in place with one ‘car-less’ mistake

If you're going to be a micromanaging kind of manager, then you should at least do it with correct grammar…
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Guy upgrades parking pass to get even and take Male Karen's prime parking spot: 'This is what happens when you act like a Karen'

Guy upgrades parking pass to get even and take Male Karen's prime parking spot: 'This is what happens when you act like a Karen'

Let's be clear: parking spaces do not belong to you unless you legitimately own them. If you stir up a fuss with someone because they snagged a public parking space that you usually can get, that's the luck of the draw, dude. There's nothing you can do about it. Sure, it's frustrating but there is no injustice here. So definitely pick and choose your battles before you decide to throw a tantrum. This Male Karen did not think twice before yelling at an innocent driver. That driver didn't even ta…
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'Entitled business class ticket holder Karen spotted my service dog': Woman fakes dog allergy, insists airline move her seat

'Entitled business class ticket holder Karen spotted my service dog': Woman fakes dog allergy, insists airline move her seat

This woman claimed she had allergies , but only when it was seemingly convenient to her travel plans. If you have allergies yourself or know someone who suffers from bad reactions, you know how serious these things can be. That's why in some schools, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are banned. If even one kid is seriously allergic to peanut butter, it's not worth the risk for any other kid to bring any peanut products. That's why it's so wild that this “ entitled business class ticket holder…
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'Last warning...': Aisle passenger disrespects man's personal space the entire flight and keeps closing the window to bother him, man settles the score once they land

'Last warning...': Aisle passenger disrespects man's personal space the entire flight and keeps closing the window to bother him, man settles the score once they land

It's crucial to learn flight etiquette before boarding an airplane. Proper flight etiquette comprises three distinct components, namely aisle and window manners, light on/off timing, and toilet passage. The story that follows is an account of a frustrated passenger. In order to enjoy the short cross-country flight, the Original Poster (OP) specifically reserved a window seat. But the aisle passenger continued to close the window shades, going against the wishes of OP and, in a way, depriving hi…
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'Don't worry, I don't go for looks':  Ladies of Reddit Discuss the Most Memorable Backhanded Compliments Men Have Ever Offered

'Don't worry, I don't go for looks': Ladies of Reddit Discuss the Most Memorable Backhanded Compliments Men Have Ever Offered

In life, there are certain things we would rather laugh at than grieve over. For instance, backhanded compliments, which leave you scratching your head in confusion. Rather than take insulting remarks from random people personally, we've assembled a list of some of the cruelest—and hence funniest—statements we could possibly find. That being said, we girlies are such a close-knit group that any disrespect towards one of us has an equal impact on the rest of us. As you can see from the comments…
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'If you want it done, do it yourself': Neighbor demands removal of a tree from shared backyard but refuses to help pay for it, claiming it's too expensive

'If you want it done, do it yourself': Neighbor demands removal of a tree from shared backyard but refuses to help pay for it, claiming it's too expensive

If you want something done, do it yourself
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cat cats pet pets feline felines cat-lover cat-owner adoption cat-adoption karen crazy entitled piper scottish-fold cute wholesome kitten cat-stories cat-story reddit

'[This]' is crazy, it's been almost TWO YEARS': Cat owner fights off an entitled Karen who tried to steal her cat back after abandoning it

Being a pet owner is a big commitment. For the entire life of some hapless critter–whether it's a dog, a cat, a bird, or a fish–you're responsible for taking care of your pet. After so many years, it's easy to grow so fond of an animal that it becomes a part of your family, which is why the cat lover in our next story was ready to fight tooth and nail for their rescue feline.
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‘This is overboard…’: Boyfriend Taken Aback by Girlfriend’s Opulent Style of Living and Deems It ‘Offensive’ Causing Rift in Relationship

‘This is overboard…’: Boyfriend Taken Aback by Girlfriend’s Opulent Style of Living and Deems It ‘Offensive’ Causing Rift in Relationship

People come from different backgrounds. However, who are we to decide what is good and bad, right and wrong? The story that follows gives a detailed account of a boyfriend's frustration. Although he has been dating his girlfriend for some time, the Original Poster (OP) hasn't had the chance to get to know her family. However, all changed when OP's girlfriend invited him to her father's birthday celebration. When OP arrived at the vacation house, he was surprised to see it was staffed entirely b…
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20+ Employees Share Their Most Ridiculous 'First Day' Stories and Interview Nightmares From Their Job Hunting Era

20+ Employees Share Their Most Ridiculous First Day Stories and Interview Nightmares From Their Job-Hunting Era

As if the job market isn't daunting enough, you're most likely also going to experience some pretty absurd interviews and downright bananas first days…
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karens parking lot shopping demanding karens in the wild entitled pregnant karen story karen parking entitled people - 25345029

'You’re obviously not that sorry': Entitled woman confronts pregnant shopper over parking space

This pregnant woman wasn't afraid to confront another driver . And luckily for her, a bunch of bystanders also had her back. Going through a pregancy changes everything, and the last trimester can be the trickiest for a lot of new parents. That's the stage where a pregnant woman's belly is too big for her to tie her shoes or get up from the floor when bending down. She might need to sit down frequently—carrying a whole baby around in your body gets tiring. And in general, pregnant women are sup…
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'He's THE Kyle Smith!': TikTok Turns Parking Lot Karen Into Laughing Stock When She Uses Her Nobody Boyfriend's Name to Get Her Way and Guy Can't Stop Laughing At Her

'He's THE Kyle Smith!': TikTok Turns Parking Lot Karen Into Laughing Stock When She Uses Her Nobody Boyfriend's Name to Get Her Way and Guy Can't Stop Laughing At Her

It's one thing when a Karen throws their usual tantrum trying to play the victim, it's another thing when they come up with the most generic name in the world to use as a threat—THAT'S when it goes from annoying to comical.
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'[She] demanded I fix her keycard. So I did...': Facility manager overhauls the keycard of the building's most vocal Karen

'[She] demanded I fix her keycard. So I did...': Facility manager overhauls the keycard of the building's most vocal Karen

The facility manager here knows that their job is to keep things running smoothly—not to bow to the wishes of every single tenant and employee. As a facility manager, u/ImTheWh0 knows that they're responsible for the entire building , and they take that role seriously. It's the kind of job that means that everything happening in that building is the manager's responsibility, including maintaining the key cards for their tenants. In my experience, building managers also tend to build relationshi…
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