
pizza delivery

pictures of cats on top of or next to pizza boxes | thumbnail includes two images, on image is of a cat sitting on a pizza box with the text "Newt protecs his pizza box." the other is of a cat sitting in an open pizza box next to a fresh pizza

The Paw-dorable Feline Guardians Of The Pizza Box: Wholesome Pictures Of Cats Controlling Our Pizza Intake

Who knew that the best way to stay healthy is to get a cat.
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retail restaurant customer service karens idontworkherelady pizza pizza delivery karen-customer delivery guy service karen - 2126855

'I have a coupon': Customer tries to order pizza from an arts and crafts store

A Karen calls an arts and crafts store and demands a pizza… No, this isn't a punchline for a joke—but everyone who has worked in restaurants or retail wishes that it was. These workers have seen their fair share of wild demands and demanding wild persons—and it only takes one screaming customer meltdown in the lobby of your establishment to make you reconsider your entire line of work. But at least in person, most people have the good graces to behave politely, but phone conversations and email…
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'You don't have a choice in the matter': Assistant manager tries to force worker to work closing shift, they quit on the spot

'You don't have a choice in the matter': Assistant manager tries to force worker to work closing shift, they quit on the spot

It turns out they had a choice after all…. The bounds of any authority are limited, but that doesn't stop those wielding it from consistently overestimating where those limits are. And, when you're the assistant manager of a pizza place, the bounds of your authority are probably much less than you think… Your power in that position isn't unchecked—it's not like you're the United States Secretary of Defense or anything. Still, as always, where there exists a single shred of power, there is someo…
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Top Food Deliveries Gone Wrong This Week (July 12, 2023)

Top Food Deliveries Gone Wrong This Week (July 12, 2023)

Late night food deliveries are full of potential for awkward cringe encounters and mishaps.
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pizza, food, gross pizza, gross food, flavor, disgusting, why, cursed, cursed food

15 Awful Examples of the Most Disgusting Pizzas Known to Man

Crimes against pizzakind
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'He threw a temper tantrum': Coworker gets fired after other delivery drivers get back at him through malicious compliance

'He threw a temper tantrum': Coworker gets fired after other delivery drivers get back at him through malicious compliance

Have you ever had that one coworker who will manipulate every situation and use every tool and any loophole at their disposal in order to make sure that things always go their way? If you haven't, good for you, and please let me know how you've managed to avoid them for so long. These coworkers—Gary, let's call them Gary… Now, Gary is no dull blade; the ability to gaslight and manipulate your way through a team of people takes knowledge, brains, and skill. But Gary is often lazy, looking to avo…
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‘I quit’: Employee informs boss that general manager is selling expired food to customers, then quits and gets hired for 63k a year in managerial role

‘I quit’: Employee informs boss that general manager is selling expired food to customers, then quits and gets hired for 63k a year in managerial role

The restaurant industry is unpredictable, and there is always a high turnover rate. Employees come and go, to and fro, to here and there. Not all managers know how to successfully navigate the trenches of employment. In this case, a manager flipped out at OP for ‘telling on them’, AKA for informing upper management about the fact this boss was selling $1,000 worth of expired food to customers at a restaurant. Moreover, OP was informed that they were going to be paid on a certain day, but that p…
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'My boss puts applesauce on his pizza': 20+ Pizzas that should never have been baked

'My boss puts applesauce on his pizza': 20+ Crispy, crunchy crimes against pizza

If you thought pineapple on pizza was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.
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customer service karens pizza pizza delivery karen-customer pizza guy karens in the wild package delivery delivery karen - 1850119

'I want my pizza for free': Karen answers door naked, demands free pizza, pizza guy calls police

This isn't how I remember that going…
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reviews karens work-story workplace-stories review pizza delivery 1-star-review Karen-in-the-wild business delivery karen - 19986181

'Are you kidding me!!!': Owner sets the record straight when Karen leaves 1-star review because a tornado delayed her delivery

Being a delivery driver isn't an easy job. Sure, you might get to cruise around in your car while listening to your favorite tunes, but that's where the fun stops. The other (significant) part of the job involves going onto a stranger's property. A stranger who was, for some reason, incapable of making or retrieving their own food—with this reason usually being varying levels of intoxication or antisocial nature. This exchange usually occurs at night, in the dark, leading to already heightened…
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karens hoa pizza home owners association pizza delivery karen-customer food delivery hoa-karen karens in the wild story service-industry-stories delivery karen - 19902725

HOA Karen gets entire neighborhood banned from pizza place by giving terrible tip

Usually, bad tippers get off scot-free and—well, completely free. But this HOA Karen managed to get her entire neighborhood banned from a pizza place simply because of the sheer atrocity that was her tip. This brilliant story was shared to Reddit's aptly named r/r/f**kHOA subreddit, a community where stories are shared with a theme that you can probably surmise. Occasionally stories from this subreddit will trend onto Reddit's r/all front page, as this one did when it was originally posted. The…
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FAILS customer service pizza pizza delivery customers Memes food funny - 19819525

'I bought a pizza so I could talk to the delivery guy': 15+ Cringe Pizza Delivery Fails

Why does it feel like there's nothing more anxiety-inducing than navigating my interaction with the pizza delivery guy? As it turns out, I can be a fully grown adult with a full-time job and plenty of responsibilities, but I still can't wrap my brain around what to say to the dude in the Dominos cap when he knocks on my door. For starters, there's the impulse to apologize for making him deliver my pizza. Then there's the impulse to pretend like there's someone else home so it doesn't look like…
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A compilation of memes about food and eating

Food Memes That Are Both Silly and Succulent

Do y'all remember when the concept of bacon was the biggest meme in the world? 2012 was truly a time to be alive: A time when memes were so simple that a popular food could dominate the landscape of popular memes for over a year. Now don't get me wrong, I like bacon. It's the only meat that I would miss if I followed the dietary restrictions put forth by the Old Testament. That being said, even as a meme-obsessed teen, I found the bacon thing to be a bit much. The bacon meme extended far beyond…
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pizza, food, food memes, pizza delivery, delicious, fast food, memes, funny, funny memes, italian food

20+ Piping Hot Pizza Memes for National Pizza Day

Papa John would be proud
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20 Food Delivery Memes and Fails for Frustrated Drivers and Impatient Customers

20 Food Delivery Memes and Fails for Frustrated Drivers and Impatient Customers

Friendly reminder to tip your drivers, everyone!
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Funniest Memes for People Who Survive on UberEats and DoorDash

Funny Memes for People Who Survive on UberEats and DoorDash

Can I get a promo code for this?
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