Ex-Chili's Employee Dedicates TikTok to Exposing Workplace Horror Stories, Now Chili's is Trying to Ban Her from the App


Working in the service industry is not an easy job, especially when you work for a huge corporate chain restaurant. Small independent restaurants still have their fair share of drama and horror stories, but it's always the large chains like McDonald's, Sonic, and now Chili's that seem to often get wrapped up in seem sort of scandal. Many employees and ex-employees to these huge chain restaurants are now taking to social media to air out their complaints. TikTok has become a great source for that. 


TikToker @alexservestea is a waitress in the service industry. She's worked at many place, but the one that's truly given her the worst experiences in her life seems to be Chili's. The Tex-Max chain restaurant seems to treat their employees completely unfairly, and in result, is starting to give crappy experiences to the customers as well. It's your classic cause and effect situation. 


@alexservestea has been posting story times of her horrible experience working at Chili's and has been attracting viewers to post their own stories of Chili's being the worst—both as their own TikToks or commenting it in her TikTok's. She even gets tagged in other people's videos of Chili's. 


First Video Exposing Chili's


Apparently, before a 2013 Chili's was actually a pretty chill place to work. This TikToker worked there and had many friends who had worked there as well for years. But then in 2013, the company was sold off and apparently now the new corporate “does not know how to run a f*cking business.” The TikToker says they cleaned house in corporate and fired more than half the employees. Then the dropped the payment for chef's from $20p/h to minimum wage and made the servers tip them out. The apparently started most microwaving their food and even refused to fire management with sexual harassment filed against them because they couldn't afford to hire new ones. However, they were firing servers at the drop of the hat with no prior warning.  Of course all of these was going to cause extreme turmoil with the employees—you'd be a fool not to see that right away. 


Calling Out Chili's for Ignoring Women Employees

Ex-Employee Compares 2007 Chili's to Know

Why She Got Fired from Chili's


The TikToker is getting other disgruntled ex-employees stitching their own stories of how awful it is to work for Chili's. The TikToker says she got fired in 2020 because she posted another TikTok telling a story of a coworker, but she never mentioned the name of the restaurant or the other employee—yet, she was till fired immediately through corporate. The's causing such an uproar, that Chili's actually reach out to her and is now even trying to get her banned from the entire TikTok app. 


Getting Voice Message of Another Person's Horrible Story

First Contact from Chili's

“Expose the Pepper ep. 19"


She has an entire series dedicated just to people DMing her their own stories of Chili's being horrible. Since the company is working hard to get her taken off the app, she has a backup profile to help continue the exposure of this horrible company. 


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