Karen Keeps Calling Walmart with Impossible Demands for Customer Service, Employee Just Keeps Hanging Up On Her


TikToker Cee aka @ceiranicole posted a video from when she used to work in customer service at a Walmart. She hasn't worked there for some time now and she figured enough time had passed that she could share this moment. 


She was working customer service when a Karen customer called and demanded (classic) to speak with a manager. At the time, every single manager was currently in a meeting—it was a manager meeting. She relayed this information to the Karen customer as professionally as she could, but the Karen simply did not believe her and started throwing a fit. The employee kept trying to assure her it is the truth, but then she called her “ghetto.” The antiquated and racists slur rightfully pushed the employee off the edge. 


Instead of starting to yell back at the Karen, she simply hung up. Unfortunately, Karens are relentless and the rude customer kept calling back. Again. And again. And again. Each time she would again start yelling and being rude to the employee, so she would just hang up on her. Because seriously, Walmart definitely does not pay their employees enough for them to be taking that sort of berating. 


“This lady keeps calling me…”


The TikToker even says that Walmart actually encourages the disconnection, because it's better to hang up then say something you can't take back. “Walmart is big on discretion so, they always tell us if we feel uncomfortable or provoked we DO NOT have to deal with that person,” she wrote to a commenter. 


Many people are saying they can see both sides of the argument, that the TikToker was being unprofessional as well as the Karen customer being rude. But some even put the blame entirely on the TikToker saying it was her job to keep her calm and just take the yelling. 


“Pull up and do what?!”

“This is not the reason why I don't work there anymore”


The TikToker says that her management had her back the entire time, even after the customer filed a complaint. The fact of the matter was that the Karen demanded something that was impossible in the moment. She could've asked when to call back, she could've left a message, but no, the Karen chose violence. And though the employee kept hanging up on her, she still kept her cool and spoke professionally to her. So, Karen needs to chill. 


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