
Dude Challenges TikTokers to Break Open a Sugar Packet by Throwing it Against a Wall, Challenge was Accepted, But Now They Want His Skin


There are a lot of weird things happening here. When TikToker Stas aka @stasiep_ posted this video, he was just trying to be funny. It's simply a video with a happy little tune and him thinking in the sunlight how “no one on this app is strong enough [to] throw a sugar packet at a wall as hard as they could and break it.” TikTokers saw this, at least 1.3 million viewers, and really said “challenge accepted.” 


So, scrolling through this silly little Gen-Z clock app, you're now not only going to see fun little dances, recipes, people talking smack, etc., but you're also going to see people throwing sugar packets as hard as they can at a wall. Funny thing is, Stas never actually proves he himself can even throw a sugar packet at a wall hard enough for it to break open. Yet, TikTokers are determined. However, it's not only the new sugar packet challenge that is attracting TikTokers to this viral video, but also the comment section. Things have gotten really weird in there… 


Original Video


Basically, when it comes to the sugar packet challenge, it's hit or miss. Some people allegedly are able to do it, and some are not. It's also hard to tell in the videos if someone is cheating and opening the packet before they even through it. Or, who knows, some are making it look like it's just something really easy to do, while others are finding it impossible. But, again, you may have come for the sugar packet content, but you are definitely staying for the comment section chaos


“Bro went through the whole olympics and still couldn’t do it”

Even a Car Can't

“I thought the cart wheel one for sure”


It's difficult to even describe whatever it is that's going on in this dude's comment section. All he did was make a joke about how TikTok users aren't strong enough to do a stupid little sugar packet thing. But the comment section isn't filled with meatheads trying to prove him otherwise, or weaklings amused even at the thought of that action. Nope. It's filled with strange strange things. I want to say, it's almost like viewers are trying to Buffalo Bill this guy and wear his flesh as a skin suit… I'm not entirely sure… 


“Ain't gonna happen!”


The comment section was getting so freakin' weird that Stas even had to officially limit it before, I don't know, someone started a new death cult or something?? I'd say it's about a 50/50 chance that these are all people just keeping up with a very strange bit or this is a weird cult led by the ghost of Ed Gein… 



There's commenter simply known as “Bro?” that really won't let up. He will post comment after comment talking about how he wants to skin this man. This poor poor man who just wanted to make a silly little video for this silly little app and instead now has to fend for his body's largest organ…



Stas seems like a good sport about it all so far, making response TikToks about the weird skin cult forming in his comment section that are actually pretty funny. Hopefully it's all just a weird joke that TikTokers are dragging on a little too far and Stas doesn't really have to worry about someone trying to Buffalo Bill him. What can we say, THE INTERNET IS A WEIRD F***ING PLACE. Post and scroll at your own risk. 


“If you could stop asking for my skin, I'd like that…”


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